[ Face Yourself ]

Hello peeps, Avie here. Just an ordinary girl who wants to share her 2cents and rant about stuff that only can be written, well have fun guys and do follow me. Btw, hit me up at the chatbox below yeayy. Thank you for coming to my ted talk xoxo

Thursday 31 December 2020


 The most hardworking girl I’ve known there.

I mean those who close with me.

She has her own group of friends, consist of those who were in the same course as her. The amount of study talks she ever had with her friends are a lot. Well, I know some of em by coincidence but they really talk about study a lot. Even during meals, most of the time filled with “have you done this hw?” or “do you know that this could be done by doing this” goshhhhh, i feel like I really shouldn’t be there. It’s hard to keep up with their topics because we aren’t in the same course but stillllllll, I can sense that they understand stuff they learned and they applied it. At some point, I wish I have that kind of mind so that I don’t have to struggle more during exams. 

Oh yeah, how do we know each other? It began during our second semester and both of us joined a 3-days-2-nights event, and at day one.. one of our phone was ringing and we looked for it because apparently both of us used the same ringtone. AND of course it’s bts song duh 😌 but yeah that was her phone. Jue was there and all three of us were totally dumbfounded. And laughed it off. It’s kinda funny but we didn’t talk about it straight away. We just went to our place and nothing more. So being ME, I came up to them and started a conversation with cliche starter which I’m not sure what, it’s either “So both of you are ARMY?” or “So you like BTS?” and yeah we hit it off. Just like that. 

13121 - Wish You Were Here - 032112
- A Fake :) Can Hide A Million T_T - ASSALAMUALAIKUM ~! (:

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